Side Quests

Led an Award-Winning Research Mentorship Program

Mentorship has always been important to me - I feel lucky to have had wonderful mentors like Scott Kincaid, Susan Lynch, Qian Yu, Susan Verba, Tina Lee, Robin Counts, and many more.

At Salesforce, I took on additional scope in helping manage and lead a Research Mentorship Program within our 100+ Research & Insights Team. This program aimed to match junior researchers with senior researchers to help foster career growth and bring connectedness to the team.

In August 2022, we were one of 14 winning teams recognized out of 351 nominations across the entire Technology organization for our contribution to this program, inspiring similar programs in other orgs!

Co-founded a 300+ Design Community on Campus

One of the things I'm most proud of is building the first interaction design community at UC Davis, Design Interactive. Three design friends and I had seen a pressing need on campus for human-centered design and UX opportunities given the growing number of students venturing into this field. Given that this problem hadn't been solved by anyone, we decided to do something about it!

In 2020, our first semester started with 25 members. Now, the organization has grown to over 300+ students involved, democratized access to design for students of all background, is one of the largest organizations on campus, and has brought community to like-minded UX students. Read more about DI's impact at

Ongoing Human-Computer Interaction Research

At UC Berkeley's School of Information, ongoing work. Coming soon!

Research-in-flight #1: Unpacking the impacts of user interface design on perceptions of LLM model reliability, explainability, and interpretability

Research-in-flight #2: Evaluating Expectation Violation Theory and Algorithmic Fairness in the context of San Francisco Unified School District's School Assignment Algorithm (in collab. with SFUSD)